IT-501 - Operating System
IT-502 - Computer Network
IT-503 - Theory of Computation
IT-503 - Microprocessor & Interfacing
IT-503 - Principles of programming Languages
IT-504 - Artificial Intelligence
IT-504 - E Commerce & Governance
IT-504 - Java Programming
IT-505 - Advanced Java Lab
IT-506 - Soft Skills and Interpersonal Communication
IT-507 - Evaluation of Internship-II
IT-508 - Minor Project I/Seminar
IT-601 - Computer Graphics & Multimedia
IT-602 - Wireless and Mobile Computing
IT-603 - Compiler Design
IT-603 - Data Mining
IT-603 - Embedded Systems
IT-604 - Intellectual Property Rights
IT-604 - Software Engineering
IT-604 - Wireless Sensor Networks